
The Sincere Devotion سُورَةُ الإِخۡلَاصِ

 ﴾ ١ ﴿ قُلۡ هُوَ ٱللَّهُ أَحَدٌ
 ﴾ 1 ﴿ Say (Qul'): "HE (Huwa) the GOD (Ellahu) is One (Ahad),
 ﴾ ٢ ﴿ ٱللَّهُ ٱلصَّمَدُ
 ﴾ 2 ﴿ the EVERLASTING (Es' Somad) GOD (-Ellahu),
 ﴾ ٣ ﴿ لَمۡ یَلِدۡ وَلَمۡ یُولَدۡ
 ﴾ 3 ﴿ HE neither (Lam’) begets (Yalid') nor (Walam') was HE begotten (Yuulad')
 ﴾ ٤ ﴿ وَلَمۡ یَكُن لَّهُۥ كُفُوًا أَحَدُۢ
 ﴾ 4 ﴿ nor (Walam') is (Yakun) there anyone (Ahadu) equal (compared) (Kufuwaan) to HIM (Lahu)."
The Great Koran